IITM badge
Speech Lab
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai
Speech Lab IITM Open Source APIs

ASR v2 API Documentation

Our ASR API accepts the following three inputs in the request:

On success, the API returns a JSON response with the following fields:

On failure, the API returns a JSON response with the following fields:

Sample audio files to test API: English, Tamil

Our ASR API accepts files of most common formats such as mp3, mp4, wav, ogg etc.,

Currently supported languages:

  1. English

  2. Tamil

  3. Hindi

  4. Gujarati

  5. Kannada

  6. Marathi

  7. Telugu

CURL Example:

Request: curl -v -X POST -F 'file=@voice.mp3' -F 'language=english' -F 'vtt=true' https://asr.iitm.ac.in/asr/v2/decode

Response: {"status":"success","time_taken":"4.61","transcript":"welcome to madras program thank you","vtt":"WEBVTT\n\n00:00:00.800 --> 00:00:04.600\nwelcome to madras\n\n00:00:04.900 --> 00:00:10.000\nprogram thank you"}

Python Example:

import requests

files = {
'file': open('tamil.mp3', 'rb'),
'language': (None, 'tamil'),
'vtt': (None, 'true'),

response = requests.post('https://asr.iitm.ac.in/asr/v2/decode', files=files)

Web Demo:
